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Making defendable decisions around key services at a fraction of the cost and effort

It doesn’t have to be that hard

What is it?

Section 17(A) of the Local Government Act 2002 requires that "...a service delivery review should periodically assess the cost-effectiveness of current arrangements for meeting the needs of communities within its district or region for good quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions...".

What do we provide?

  • fast, easy, effective and defendable process - a fraction of the time and effort
  • easy to populate background templates
  • briefing notes for evaluation workshop
  • facilitation of the workshop
  • analysis of options - pros and cons of different business models
  • the capture and presentation of outputs
  • forward recommendations

What’s in it for you?

  • Less time involved (hours/days not weeks/months)
  • Reduced cost and effort across all parties
  • Can cover numerous services at once
  • A fast and pragmatic approach to legislative reviews
  • We do the heavy lifting for you

With our proven techniques, the workshop normally takes about 4 hours of your time with your input.

You turn up and make the decisions in the room and we take care of everything else – we’ll write up the report, do a comprehensive analysis and charge a lot less because we are fast, effective and defendable.

Topics we have reviewed:

  • 3 Waters
  • 4 Waters
  • After Hours Call Centre
  • Building Consent Process
  • Cemetery Services
  • Commercial Property
  • Community Advisor
  • Community Services - District Living
  • Compliance Services
  • District Living
  • District Promotion - isite
  • District Plan Review
  • Economic Development
  • Holiday Park
  • IT Service Desk
  • IT Services
  • Legal Services
  • Maori Liaison
  • Parks and Gardens
  • Pensioner Housing
  • Planning Services
  • Pool & Recreation Centre
  • Pound and Dog Control Services
  • Property Services
  • Public Toilets
  • Regulatory Services
  • Resource Consents
  • Roading Engineering Services
  • Roading Maintenance
  • Roading Engineering Services - Regional Level
  • Roading Maintenance - Regional Level
  • Security Service
  • Solid Waste
  • Tree Nursery
  • Venue and Events
  • Water Advisory Services

Let us do what we are good at so you can get on with what you are good at!

A collaborative initiative between ALGIM and the Integral Group Ltd for Local Government. 

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